Kolase Kegiatan Saat Kuliah di IPB, Bogor

June 15, 2020

Kolase Kegiatan Saat Kuliah di IPB, Bogor

Hello, berhubung kemaren waktu kuliah di IPB dan tinggal di Bogor  selama 2 tahun 7 bulan ada begitu banyak cerita. Sekedar mau menyimpan foto yang berasal dari galeri orang lain di SNS, yang ada diriku buat rekam jejak selama disana ngapain aja, habis ngapain aja, ikut kegiatan apa atau apalah itu, misalnya kalo nanti lihat "oh, aku pernah kesana, kesitu". Selain itu, yang punya foto juga yah mereka, biar gak melanggar copyright wkwkwk. Yang lain sih ikutin kegiatan atau eventnya tapi gak ada diriku di foto atau videonya. Ada yang dari web juga, tapi dikit. Hmmm.. judulnya sih kolase tapi kayaknya lebih cocok klipping deh, tapi ya udahlah yaw.

Pelantikan dan Rapat Kerja BSC 2018 ~ 4 Maret 2018 di SPs

Silaturahmi Bersama Pembina BSC ~ 7 Maret 2018 di Restoran Saung Sawah

Upgrading HIMMPAS IPB ~ 11 Maret 2018 di Lapangan AHN 

Temu Muka dengan Menteri Budaya, Olahraga, dan Pariwisata Republik Korea ~ 18 Agustus 2018 di KCC

(Jaga) Stand Himpas di Registrasi Ulang Mahasiswa Pascasarjana IPB ~ 28-29 Agustus 2018 di CCR

A Korean Folk Painting of Hope ~ 19 Oktober 2018 di KCC

Open House HIMMPAS IPB ~ 15 September 2018 di Masjid Al-Hurriyyah IPB

Info Session: Northeastern University USA ~ 17 September 2018 di SPs

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POST-REPORT: NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY, U.S.A IPB was immensely honoured to welcome delegations of Northeastern University from Boston, Massachusetts, USA, as IPB was included to one of university targets in their collaborative meetings and info session couple-week series throughout Indonesia and China. Info sharing session was presented by Mr. Jeffrey Hengel as Director of Graduate Admissions, Graduate School of Engineering and Assoc.Prof. Julius Marpaung as Associate Teaching Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, Northeastern University, and moderated by Dr.Ing. Dase Hunaefi as Deputy Director for Collaboration and International Relation at IPB Directorate of International Programme on September 17th, 2018. Mr. Jeffrey and (Assoc.)Prof. Marpaung delivered detailed and all-round information with the aim to be an enlightment for those who are seeking for Master/PhD/PostDoc studies and submission how-to to Northeastern University and USA, in general. They as well handed out registration fee waiver code for the participants—speaking of another golden chance! The day was continued by collaborative meetings with the invited deans of IPB faculties and schools where two parties discusses regarding potential collaborations can be initiated in the near future. Presentation bits of the session can be accessed through: http://bit.ly/PPTNortheasternU #international_collaboration #ipb #ico_ipb #USA #NortheasternUniversity Stay close with us on: Instagram: @ICO_IPB Facebook: facebook.com/ico-ipb Website: ico.ipb.ac.id

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The 16th IPB Talks on Complexity and Sustainability Sciences "Evolution" ~ 24 September 2018 di AHN 

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POST REPORT: 16TH IPB TALKS During The 16th IPB Talks on Complexity and Sustainability Sciences: "Evaluation" on Sept 24th, 2018, our respected guest speaker--Prof. Michel RAYMOND as Director at Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) Research, Institute of Evolutionary Sciences, University of Montpellier, France. and cordial moderator--Dr Bambang Suryobroto from Dept. of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB presented such fascinating topic: Local adaptations in humans. Humans have colonized extremely diverse environments, varying for example for the climate, the parasites or the diet. In these environments, specific adaptations have sometimes evolved, at the physiological, morphological or behavioral level. For example, humans have developed adaptation to altitude, to high UV and to the new diet brought by the development of farming and agriculture. Some of these examples will be presented, including a behavioral adaptation currently under study in a dangerous environment: the slope of volcanoes such as the Merapi or the Semeru. The evolution of these local adaptations was discussed, as well as the health consequences of ignoring these local adaptations, in the current context of increased migration and mondialisation. The presentation is shared at the following link: http://bit.ly/The16thIPBTalks_PPT #international_collaboration #ipb #ico_ipb #France #MontpellierUniversity Stay close with us on: Instagram: @ICO_IPB Facebook: facebook.com/ico-ipb Website: ico.ipb.ac.id

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Info Session on Australia National University and General Lecture "Acid  Sulfate Soils (ASS) and Productivity in Indonesia ~ 25 September 2018 di AHN

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POST REPORT: AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY (ANU) . Dr Sara Beavis from Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University (ANU) on September 25th presented her almost-a-decade year long expertise in a general lecture entitled "Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) and Productivity in Indonesia". Her demonstrations on ASS state endured in numbers of coastal, lake, riverside spots in Australia, moreover proceeded by comparison study and insights discussion towards the case extent in Indonesia, is simply fascinating. Though undoubtedly being very concerning, Dr Sara encouraged fellow Indonesian students/researchers to conduct more in-depth projects in this matter. Besides, Dr Sara and the invited deans and representatives of IPB held collaborative meetings for initiating MoUs and potential inceptive projects beforehand, and the response was incredibly positive. IPB is very honoured for the apparent opportunity, since ANU is enlisted as NO.1 The Best Public University in entire Australia by QS World University Ranking 2017. We both verily wish for fabricating the solid cooperation together from now on. . For those who are down for checking out the 2 presentations by Dr Sara: 1) on ASS; & 2) on ANU, refer yourself to http:bit.ly/AusNatU_PPT . #international_collaboration #ipb #ico_ipb #Australia #AustralianNationalUniversity Stay close with us on: Instagram: @ICO_IPB Facebook: facebook.com/ico-ipb Website: ico.ipb.ac.id

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The 17th IPB Talks on Complexity and Sustainability Sciences "Ecosystem Function" ~ 4 Oktober 2018 di AHN 

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17th IPB Talks on Complexity and Sustainability Sciences: "Ecosystem Functions" studium generale on October 4th, 2014, beheld by Prof Dr Stefan Scheu from University of Göttingen, Germany, was successfully undertaken. Lecture entitled "The Structure and Function of Soil Food Webs" scope ranged from tracking, identification and classification of terrestrials living below ground, aside of which exist above; until each of their substantial role on the Earth, which surprisingly might be more massive than we would formerly presumed ever. Fascinated, abundant inquiries and discussion points were exchanged, whilst moderated by Prof Dr Ir Iswandi Anas MSc from Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, IPB Faculty of Agriculture. As it has been vast numbers of projects carried out between IPB and Göttingen University, we do wish both sides keep on fostering and strengthening the collaboration. . The lecture material can be accessed in http://bit.ly/TheIPBTalks17_PPT #international_collaboration #ipb #ico_ipb #Germany #GöttingenUniversity Stay close with us on: Instagram: @ICO_IPB Facebook: facebook.com/ico-ipb Website: ico.ipb.ac.id

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(Panitia) di Pelatihan GIS ~ 13-14 Oktober 2018 di Ruang International FPIK

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🍀🍀PRESS RELEASE🍀🍀 Pelatihan GIS 13-14 Oktober 2018 Himpunan Mahasiswa Muslim Pascsarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor (HIMPAS IPB) telah melaksanakan Pelatihan GIS (Geographic Information System) yang merupakan rangkaian acara Agrinova 2018 pada tanggal 13-14 Oktober 2018. Pemateri adalah Dr. Achmad Siddik Thoha, S.Hut, M Si merupakan alumni Pascasajana IPB dan pernah menjabat sebagai Ketua Umum HIMPAS IPB tahun 2010. Pelaksanaan pelatihan dibantu oleh 3 asisten yaitu Diendra Abdul Kariim SP, Taufik Setiawan S.Hut dan Witno S.Hut yang juga merupakan alumni IPB. Peserta sendiri berjumlah 31 orang terdiri atas berbagai kalangan mulai dari mahasiswa S2 dan S3, akademisi, karyawan, PNS dan umum yang berasal dari Bogor, Jakarta, Tangerang Selatan, Bandung, Padang, Medan dan Ternate. Sesi Pelatihan dimulai dengan registrasi peserta lalu instalasi software pada pukul 7.30, selanjutnya Pembukaan Pelatihan GIS dimulai pukul 10.00 WIB dengan dipandu oleh Danar Hadisugelar. Materi dimulai dengan pengenalan Tool dasar ArcGIS 10.x dilanjutkan dengan Georeferencing, Digitasi Peta, Edit Data Atribut dan Calculate Geometry dan Field Calculator pada hari pertama. Hari kedua dimulai langsung dengan praktek GPS di Lapangan, transfer data GPS ke komputer, konvesi data Excel ke ArcGIS dan penyajian/layout peta. Penutupan Pelatihan GIS dipandu oleh Zahy Muarrifat Arasy Padil dengan pemberian plakat kepada pemateri, pembacaan doa dan foto bersama pemateri dan peserta. Panitia mengucapkan terima kasih atas partisipasi dan apresiasi dari peserta atas pelaksanaan Pelatihan GIS dan tak lupa kritik dan saran yang telah dituliskan untuk Panitia untuk perbaikan pelaksanaan kegiata selanjutnya. Panitia juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh pihak yang telah mendukung acara ini termasuk kepada sponsor acara @superkuereal dan Oemah Bebek. #infoipb #himmpas #himmpasipb

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Silaturahmi Nasional Himpunan Mahasiswa Muslim Pascasarja Indonesia ~ 17-18 November 2018 di ITB

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Assalamualaikum wr wb. Bismillah Alhamdulillah telah dilaksanakan Silatirahmi Nasional Himpunan Mahasiswa Muslim Pascasarjana Seluruh Indonesia pada tanggal 16-18 November 2018 di Institut Teknologi Bandung. Pada acara Silatnas tahun ini diikuti sebanyak 14 Universitas dari seluruh Indonesia. Beberapa rangkaian acara Silatnas adalah Semnas Adiwidya 6 sebagai acara besar oleh Kamil Pascasarjana ITB, Musyawarah Nasional, Aksi di Car Free Day yang diikuti dengan musikalisasi puisi,teatrikal dan penggalangan dana untuk Palu dan Tasikmalaya. Kami ucapkan jazakumullah khairan katsiran kepada seluruh pihak yang terlibat dan turut berpartisipasi pada kegiatan Silatnas ini terkhusus kepada Kamil Pascasarjana ITB selaku tuan rumah. Kami juga mengucapkan Barakallah wa Innalillah kepada Kamil Pascasarjana ITB telah terpilih sebagai Puskornas Forsi Himmpas 2018. Forsi Himmpas Indonesia "Indonesia Bangkit" @forsi_himmpas @kamilpascaitb @himmpasupi @himmpas_ui @himmpas_uny @himmpas_ugm @himmpas_unp @ululalbab_himmpas_uin

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Pengalaman Membuat Kimchi ~ 22 Desember 2018 di KCC

Musem Mini / Kotak Budaya Korea ~ 30 Januari 2019 di KCC

Cuan adalah Koentji ~ 30 Maret 2019 di 2 Madison Cafe

(Volunteer cuyy) di Young On Top National Conference (YOTNC) 2019 ~ 6 April 2019 di Balai Kartini

Ngevolunteer di ENNICHISAI ~ 22-23 Juni 2019

Ngambil sertifikat Volunteer ENNICHISAI ~ 14 Juli 2019

Hari Ulang Tahun Ke-8 KCC Indonesia ~ 21 Juli 2019 di Senayan Trade Center 

The 10th Strategic Talks: Mengenal Lebih Jauh Virus Corona dan Strategi Mitigasi Dampak ~ 31 Januari 2020 di Audit AHN

Tes SKD CPNS Kementerian Pertanian Titik Lokasi DKI Jakarta ~ 11 Februari 2020 di Audit Kementerian Pertanian

K-Movie Screening Pemutaran FIlm Korea ~ 14 Februari 2020 di KCC

The 44th IPB Talks on Complexity and Sustainability Sciences S(Special Edition): "Korean Culture and Higher Education" by H.E. Kim Chang Beom (Ambassador of Republic of Indonesia) ~ 26 Februari 2020 di AHN 

Pelepasan Wisudawan Fakultas Peternakan IPB ~ 10 Maret 2020 di Audit JHH

Wisuda Tahap V Tahun Akademik 2019/2020

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